Never-ending fun onboard the ship of fortune Costa Fortuna, also known as “The Museum at Sea”, the Costa Fortuna features more than 4,860 pieces of paintings and sculptures, along with a grand thematic décor to transform the cruise ship into an exhibition of World masterpieces & Antqiues that harkens back to the glory days of Italian Renaissance & Seafaring history. 来自意大利的邮轮 “歌诗达幸运号” 每个区域无不妖娆多姿、魅力逼人、妙趣横生。若是您对激扬活泼的夜生活情有独钟,这里设有迪斯科舞厅、多家酒吧与休闲室、多媒体区、灯火辉煌的“Rex 1932”剧场和独家“Club Conte Grande 1927”俱乐部;若您想度过轻松惬意的假日,这里有无与伦比的健身乐园,配有各项活动和全套器械的Saturnia 健身俱乐部,及焕发活力水疗按摩池。歌诗达幸运号缔造了意大利航运史的富有传奇色彩,也被称为 “海上博物馆”,一定能让您大饱眼福,不妨想像一次与达芬奇、伽利略和哥伦布结伴而行的出游吧。 |
Restaurant & Bars
- 4 restaurants & 11 bars
- Special designed menu with tasty international cuisine
- Experience traditional and authentic Italian gourmet
- Lively music and performances in lounges every night
- Wellness Centre: 1,300 square metres with gym, spa, treatment rooms, sauna & Turkish bath
- 4 swimming pools & 5 jacuzzis
- Outdoor jogging track
- Multipurpose sports pitch
- Rex 1932 Theatre
- Vulcania 1927 Disco
- Conte di Savoia Grand Bar with dance floor
- Library & Internet Point
- Virtual World, Multimedia area
- Duty free shop
- Photo Gallery
- Squok Club, pool and Water slide